A mind like a sieve is NOT Alzheimer's, it is reversible MONKEY MIND.
The NEWS tells stories for money. Facts are not what they are interested in.
Gladiators were not killing each other. But, as entertainers they made a killing!
Hunger is the reaction we have when the body is shutting down in starvation. A craving is not that.
The body speaks to us constantly. But do you know what it is saying?
You get what you get wherever you go. A medical doctor will push what he pushes…
Acetaminophen can end your life in just 6 months of regular use.
Weight loss is as hard as we make it. Or as easy as changing.
The scum called Big Medicine/Cancer use children to beg for your money.
Really Electric cars… The equal of an imagined evolutionary DEAD END, or a Pet Rock.
The body defends itself by refusing or detoxing what it receives that is toxic.
If you have heard about the blood brain barrier, you must watch this.
The scum called the CANCER industry will do and say anything to get your money.
Dental implants are pushed on folks every day, yet they are a trap.
Cancer? You are worried about cancer? The reason you are is because the MYTH OF CANCER is pushed on you 24/7 . We are all cancer survivors. Watch this video to grasp the depth of BIG MEDICINE’S attempt to enslave you.
The group called BIG MEDICINE preaches that danger is everywhere. Actually it is far simpler than that. They need, want and are driven to CHEW us up and spit us out for profit.
What is a healthy stool? How long should you be in the bathroom/restroom?
Oh, and they should have little to no odor. FACT!
Some just don’t get it. When I say ALL DRUGS ARE POISONS, do you think there is an exception. You know, like the drug or med you take. If that is you or you know someone with that belief, watch this video.
The plan BIG MEDICINE has for the public is to get us all on drugs/meds. Bodies heal themselves, while we think it was the drug we were taking. ALL DRUGS KILL. No exceptions.
Human bodies expand for storage. They expand for MUSCLE or POISONS. Storing poisons is a self-protection measure, to keep the body from premature death.
Poison storage or swelling = Fat / Obesity Storing MUSCLE = Strength / Athlete.
That is why the obese don't all die once they top a certain weight.
Life quality is determined by: —Habits—Diet—Exercise—Awareness—Working with others—Focus on rewarding purpose. Less = DEATH
Stay active, stay lean, stay focused on a purpose greater than you.
It is shocking how many people will risk sickness and death to fit in. Fear of Missing Out or FOMO, makes many want to be on meds and be told they have a disease. FOMO can kill you.
Many people have FOMO about being sick. They are sure the sick are having more fun than they are. With that in mind, this video is revelatory and profound. Watch it often and share it.
People always ask me how I became a WHOLE FOOD RAW FOODIST. Here is how I did it. The video is from 2020.
Drug ads/commercial tell us the drugs/meds are poisons and kill us in the commercials. DENY YOURSELF ALL MEDS/DRUGS RIGHT NOW.
There is no way to control your weight without being in control of your weight. The way to do it is revealed in this video. You can do it. I is easy.
Why do so many slather on worthless creams on their skin? No cream does anything but make the user gooey. Fact!
Why is everyone trying to poison us? Why? Because it makes them scads of money!!!
The world is not a dangerous place. Unless you believe the endless lies in the news. There is always turmoil somewhere. But 99% of us are not in those places. As for gas prices, well they are the stuff of profit seeking mad men.
If poisons made us stronger, those who self-poisoned the most, aka Heroin, Cocaine, Meth, etc. would be superhuman not super dead.
When you want to sell a lot of something, tell people they can’t get it or it is sold out… Hey Marge, all the tickets to Hell are sold out. When they are available again, I’ll buy a block of 10 so we can take the kids too!”
The Chi or Aura of the body is a known commodity. It is at the base of acupuncture and more. When we wear jewelry, or even a ring or watch we upset the flow of this energy which causes pain.
Yes, you can protect yourself from cancer… If you know what causes it.
Confirmation Bias can and often does KILL US as we ignore truth. Instead we hold on to what we think is true… Which can be and often is FATAL.
The Family dynamic is one of GROUP INSANITY in many ways. Find out why.
Everything you need to know about allergies, but did not know you should ask…
If you understand this video and apply it, you can fix just about anything.
The body does not want most of what we put in and can’t seem to push out what we put in fast enough… What do do?
Folks, when you are hungry, what do you do? Well, watch this video and find out!
Citrus is the miracle food of the digestive tract! Learn a little more here now!
Science is full of theories and other nonsense. Why? Because no one pays a dollar for, “heck fire, I don’t know,” but they will pay for, “My theory is…” The rule is, if you don’t know, just make something up.
CBD oil is not all that we think it is. It is a lot more and more of what we don’t want. Watch and learn.
This was shot in 2020, and is relevant and spot on logical as it gets. Show your diabetic friends and piss them off. Anger means they might change.
The DRUG pushing Government of California and elsewhere want you, your kids and any other living things on drugs. Which drugs? Fentanyl, Narcan & Naloxone, just to name a few.
When circulation is lacking… Pain will be present… For more, you had better watch.
Remember folks, it is never too late for insanity… With that in mind mortuaries are now offering Alkaline Water CREMATION. Yes! The corpse is dissolved in Alkaline Water! Now.. You might ask.. “Wait. I am drinking ALKALINE WATER… Am I killing myself?” The answer is YES…
Cancer needs your money. They will do anything to get it. They will parade little Johnny or Jane in front of the camera showing off their bald heads and more. Please send every penny you have and then borrow more. Or these folks won’t be able to pay their bills.
The IMMUNE SYSTEM is not an immune system…. What? Correct! Watch and learn.
Why are we buried in pleas to go get vaccinated? Is it because of need? Not ours. The need is theirs. They need to recoup the money they spent in the approval process. It’s all about the dollars. Your health does not matter.
The folks who run our country have such interesting lives. Watch this video to appreciate the depth and drive of the special people called SENATORS.
The House of Representatives is vital to our country. Find out here, how they work.
COVID was perhaps the most lucrative marketing campaign in history. It literally saved Big Medicine from near bankruptcy.
Trust the news? Trust the media? Trust the net? No. Trust your eyes.
Big Medicine has a name for disease. Everything they see they say it is this thing or some other thing that only they understand.
The effect of made up news stories is enough to make you sick.. Watch to see how we react to this “news” nonsense.
Really, what does make us sick? To a limited degree, parasites and to a greater degree, perhaps 98%… It is poisons we ingest. We do it to ourselves.
What is the last thing people want to fix about themselves, but should be the first thing they change? Watch this video…
Beware, hands ruin your lives and destroy your, your, your, EVERYTHING. They must be controlled.
Do I try to quietly fit in? Absolutely not! I am alive and full of energy! I am loud and making noise denouncing the insanity we are knee deep in. GET LOUD WITH ME.
How can BIG MEDICINE sell more vaccines? They could vaccinate the dead, so they won’t come back to life… Of course this is pure insanity. Its just the kind of thing they would dream up.
Toxic Stress Syndrome is another made up—100% loopy reason to drug your kids. And why not? Big Medicine needs the money.
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